Two Members Of Nicki Minaj’s Tour Team Stabbed

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Two men who were working with Nicki Minaj on her upcoming tour were stabbed outside a bar in Philly. One has died while the other is in critical condition.

Nicki Minaj delivered some sad news to her fans this afternoon. De’Von Pickett and Eric Parker, who had flown to Philadelphia to assist Nicki Minaj with her tour rehearsals, were both stabbed outside of a bar in the city last night. Pickett died from his wounds, while Parker is still in critical condition.

According to Nicki’s post on Instagram, the two men had been in town for the tour for two days before the attack. She described the event as “Another senseless act of violence that took the life of a great guy. So sad.”

Fabolous has also expressed his condolences for Pickett, and extended prayers for Parker. The rapper explained that he had worked extensively with both men in the past, and described them both as hard-working and loyal.

View both Nicki and Fab’s posts, as well as the local news report below

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